It's hard to know whether you can put your air fryer basket in the dishwasher to clean. What are the pros and cons?
Cleaning your air fryer can be a common question! Especially if you're like me, and use your air fryer every day, you might be wondering about the best and quickest way to clean your air fryer.

Cleaning your air fryer basket in the dishwasher
While you can't put your whole air fryer in the dishwasher, as it has electrical elements, you can usually put the air fryer basket in the air fryer, however it is important to read the manufacturer's directions for cleaning your air fryer.
Something to be aware of is that putting your air fryer basket in the dishwasher can harm the nonstick coating on the air fryer basket. Because of this, I never wash my air fryer basket in the dishwasher. I always wash it by hand in the sink.
Here is how to clean your air fryer using soap and water.
If you do decide to clean your air fryer basket in the dishwasher, separate any parts before placing in the dishwasher. After washing, make sure to completely dry the parts before putting back in your air fryer.
A few tips for taking care of your air fryer
Soak your basket after using - Most grease and food will come off easily with a quick soak in hot water and soap. This will help keep your air fryer clean and keep you from having to put it in the dishwasher.
Clean your air fryer right after using - We all know stuck on food is hard to get off after sitting for awhile. Clean your air fryer right after using, so it's ready for your next air fryer meal!
Use parchment paper or a silicone liner - I often use parchment paper in my air fryer when I know I'm cooking something messy. While you shouldn't use air fryer parchment paper with all foods (read about using air fryer parchment paper), it can be beneficial with many foods!
We hope this information helps you keep your air fryer clean and ready for use!
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